Wow!! Teaching the Plan of Salvation to YSA!!
Can be a daunting topic but I wanted the lesson to go on forever!
Being a Stake YSA Rep we have decided that when it is a Unit's ward conference, between myself and Rhyno we will teach the YSA Sunday School Class. I volunteered for the outlying area's and he is taking the close units. So yesterday was out first Sunday School Lesson since this decision - in Rustenburg so that's all on me! And somehow (inspiration) I got to teach The Plan of Salvation :)
I don't recall ever teaching it to someone before! But it was such a fun one to prepare and teach! During the lesson I was so calm and collected - I don't know if its cause I didn't know all the members in the class (though I had 3 RM's in the class) but I think I just had confidence in my lesson that I had put in enough effort and preparation into it. Turns out I had prepared WAY too much - guess if you teach every Sunday then you find that you only have to prepare so much instead of the whole suggested material in the teachers manual. (But then again Sacrament only ended at 10:40) by the time you in class and done with announcements it's half past.
I think this was perfect preparation for me - learning to teach and have me time to study the Plan of Salvation :) Ok teaching the plan to members is of course different to teaching investigators, but I was still able to learn new things. I have recently been going through Preach my Gospel (Lesson 2: Plan of Salvation) and I was hoping to use material from there but I found there was more than enough in the lesson material. Maybe I was just too scared to go against the grain and do something different. But either way I learnt ALOT.
Here is a blog I found when researching what to do for my lesson. Such a resourceful site - will definitely use it if ever I am called to Sunday School Teacher.
I am so grateful for the plan of salvation. I am so grateful that I could be called to serve as a missionary. I asked the Female Rep of Rustenburg to pretty much close off the lesson with bearing her testimony about the plan of Salvation/Redemption/Restitution/Mercy She shared a beautiful song that those who have grown in the church have learnt since they were young. I I would like to share my testimony inline with hers that I KNOW that I lived in a heaven a long time a go. I lived there with people I know. This IS a BEAUTIFUL plan! I know that we can receive Eternal Salvation if we follow the plan. I know that Jesus Christ loved us all enough so that he could come to earth to die for our sins so we can repent of our weaknesses and return to live with God again in the eternities.
I LOVE this gospel!!
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