Hey everyone!!! So I'm finally in St George Mission!!!!
Sorry that I did not email last week - I did not have time :'( I went out to Salt lake and the Humanitarian Center with all the internationals in the morning!! was awesome! But then got back in time for lunch and immunizations which took way too long and then had 5min to mail and then head to the temple! The new movie still blows my mind but I was quite tired from it all. Any MTC is "Not for the weak" as Sis Ramekgoe put it! There is so much to learn and they always seem to tell you all about what you should have done in your TRC or progressive investigator AFTER you teach them. But its good - if it were not for the failed lessons i don't think we would have grown much.

All My Best,
Fist Up HAPPY BIRTHDAY to JADE and DAVID So sorry I couldn't email much last week.
Sorry that I did not email last week - I did not have time :'( I went out to Salt lake and the Humanitarian Center with all the internationals in the morning!! was awesome! But then got back in time for lunch and immunizations which took way too long and then had 5min to mail and then head to the temple! The new movie still blows my mind but I was quite tired from it all. Any MTC is "Not for the weak" as Sis Ramekgoe put it! There is so much to learn and they always seem to tell you all about what you should have done in your TRC or progressive investigator AFTER you teach them. But its good - if it were not for the failed lessons i don't think we would have grown much.
Props to Sister Jill Nielson and Family for sending the FIRST PACKAGE while I was in the MTC - You cannot imagine how happy I was cause the only mail I ever got was about my immunizations and things... And thanx to Liezel for the Dear elder JUST before I left MTC - was in tears when I got that one shame the District were very supportive though which was great!
So Had a number of spiritual experiences as a district in the MTC. As you all know my dad had an Op so it's been tough not really knowing whats happening at home. My Zone leader in the MTC gave me a blessing which was just the BEST experience ever for the whole district. I have a strong testimony that we can get comfort and peace through blessings! I know that I am in the right place at the right time - Not sure how I know that besides having that inner peace. I am definitely NOT a perfect teacher and I have LOADS of Patience to learn.
So going on to St. George!!!!
My first area: KIABAB!!!! I cover a few wards in Kanab, Ferdonia, Jakes Lake, COLORADO CITY (If you have not heard of it I would Suggest you look it up - hint: Polygimists!!) View From Colorado City

There is sooo much I want to tell you about my area goodness but there won't be enough time. So We stay in 2 houses. every Friday and Tuesday night we stay in Cane Beds (to do Colorado city and Moccasin cause they are so far out) and the rest of the time we are in Kanab. We cover a whole Stake with 7 Wards. Its tough trying to keep track of everything and where who lives and to know where the boundaries are etc. But I'm getting there slowly - I've become real shy again - had so much confidence in the MTC and that has all just dissapeared. Anyway. On Day 6 here and I think I have improved somewhat and have started speaking up. I still have sooo many of the mission rules to learn - they don't tell you everything at once :| I can only write letters on P-day so I might not be that great at replying... But I will try my best!!
There is sooo much I want to tell you about my area goodness but there won't be enough time. So We stay in 2 houses. every Friday and Tuesday night we stay in Cane Beds (to do Colorado city and Moccasin cause they are so far out) and the rest of the time we are in Kanab. We cover a whole Stake with 7 Wards. Its tough trying to keep track of everything and where who lives and to know where the boundaries are etc. But I'm getting there slowly - I've become real shy again - had so much confidence in the MTC and that has all just dissapeared. Anyway. On Day 6 here and I think I have improved somewhat and have started speaking up. I still have sooo many of the mission rules to learn - they don't tell you everything at once :| I can only write letters on P-day so I might not be that great at replying... But I will try my best!!
So the Members feed us almost EVERY night. we get breakfast when we got to Cane beds. the members also give us rides to appointments at night. Its great cause you get to meet the members and on the first night got a few referrals :) was awesome. And the members were so kind as soon as they found out it was my birthday They made me a cake for dinner last night - though was crazy on saturday night just as we were planning our day the Zone leaders "text" us and say we will be having a zone fast for baptisms... ahhhhh luckily we had 3 Ward councils attended 2 wards and had a correlation meeting with all the ward mission leaders in the stake.. Oh and did I forget to mention that we had 3 baptisms on saturday!! lol first week and BAM 3. haha. well technically there were 4 baptised but 1 is 8.
Bet you dying to know who my comp is!!! Well I ACTUALLY KNOW her already... we are facebook friends ;) found her on instagram :) Sister Summer Allen!!! Check out her blog there is a link to it from my blog - she can't remember it lol. Something random about her - she has one random hicup like every hour lol. it funny!! shame. She is great though! very patient and she has only been out one transfer and still learning the area.
We drive a SUBARU Imprezza!! how awesome!!! :) love it! but with some of the roads we travel we have to. oh and we get to do grocery shopping on thursdays when we go to DTM in hurricane cause that is the closest wallmart and thats about an hour away.
Funny when people hear I'm from africa they think I live in the bush.. this is more like living in the bush - small town everyone is related to everyone SOMEHOW. its fun though! get to meet really cool and interesting people.
Weather: its beeen relatively hot - but not as hot as St George. The winds have actually started to come up
One of the Bishops sons will be entering the MTC in JHB next week!!! He is off to Durban - hope to chat to him before he leaves. Look out for an Elder Gant :D Don't give him too much of a hard time :P
Goodness time is running short. Sorry If I don't get to replying your emails.
Quick Spiritual Thought:
I CAN do hard things - but in the strength of God I can do ALL things!!
Good luck for convention!!!! Hope you all have a BLAST!!!
All My Best,
Sister Hollander
St. George, Utah Mission
Snail Mail:
Sister Karen Hollander
107S 1470E Suite 304
St. George Utah 84790
United States
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Hello Sister Hollander,
ReplyDeleteI serendipitously came across your website/blog. Thank you for sharing your testimony and news of your glorious adventures. You are obviously a tremendous blessing to the Utah St. George Mission and to all who have the wonderful opportunity to enjoy your radiant spirit. Thanks to your blog and to my never-ending enjoyment of reading missionary blogs and watching young folks open their mission call letters on YouTube, I noticed your mission president is a former missionary companion who served in the Texas North Mission in 1968. We were located in Denison, Texas and had a wonderful missionary experience together. He truly is a man of God.
Please send my gratitude to your family for raising such a fine example of genuine faith and spirituality. May the powers of Heaven be with you always,
Brother Tim Curtis
Malaga Cove Ward, Palos Verdes Stake
Lomita, California