As you can tell my new companion (Sister Davis) is from TEXAS, Dallas. But SHE SIS AMAZING!! I love her to bits!!! She has been out 10 months and has a strong testimony of missionary work, she is a hard worker and we will be getting this stake into good shape by the time we are done with it :D I alway said I would NEVER say "y'all"... but think I'm ok with it now :P I think I am even getting a southern Utah accent with some words... hehe Only thing about sister davis is she struggles to get up in the morining we now at least have the car every 2 days but we are still walking alot and is taking a toll haha but its fun I am trying something different every morning :P
HAPPY EASTER!!! Hope y'all had a good easter, for me did not really feel like easter even though that has been our main message this week to all our investigators and less actives that we teach Being the Plan of salvation. It is so great to know and teach that Jesus Christ Died for us and was risen that we will be risen too! I love this gospel and the teachings. Please watch this video:
Here are some fun things we did for easter:

We had a bit of a trying week. We finally taught a lady who wanted to learn more about the mormons and the female side of things (we met her at wallmart) well she ended up being a tough one to teach she had so many questions and concerns her basic need is to find true Joy (and we were both like we have the answer!) but she kept on asking just doctrinal questions of how the holy ghost speaks to us etc and who is is and all sorts but hardly gave us a chance to answer before she started bible bashing very subtly but still was not an environment where she was sufficiently humble enough to hear what we have to say. After an hour of hearing such weird views and doctrine we eventually taught the restoration using the pamphlet then she tells us no one listened to the prophets and prophets are an old testament doctrine and Adam was not a prophet. well the best we could do was teach the truth we did know and testified of that truth. And I would like to tell you that I know this church (the same church that Christ had established) was restored by a prophet of GOD. His name is Joseph Smith he also translated the Book of Mormon by the Power of God.
Jeff Rohwer is another one who can testify of this book. Jeff got baptized this weekend! It was great (a little bit awkward but more on that later)!!

He still is not exactly sure how he got from Texas to Utah and how he stopped drinking coffee and how is is now a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints but what he does know is that the church is that same church Christ established. He also knows that it is truth the book of mormon that he has felt the holy ghost testify of truth. He also knows that this gospel in action can change lives. he also knows that even though he needed to get dunked twice in knee high water (we wont go there) that he now feels CLEAN and can say that he now holds the priesthood power of God. He is so great and his testimony really touch me and my companion (yes Southern Utah does that to your english). He is an inspiration to me. He is 43 and divorced and he has searched the scriptures and found his answers. And I know Y'all can find your own testimony through prayer. But something Jeff said. "It didn't come the first time I prayed, or the second or the third, fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh but came through study and application and watching those of the faith."
I hope we can all think on these words, do not get discouraged when things don't happen straight away.
Here is one of my favouritest poems:
I know not by what methods rare,
But this I know, God answers prayer.
I know that He has given His Word,
Which tells me prayer is always heard,
And will be answered, soon or late.
And so I pray and calmly wait.
I know not if the blessing sought
Will come in just the way I thought;
But leave my prayers with Him alone,
Whose will is wiser than my own,
Assured that He will grant my quest,
Or send some answer far more blest.
Eliza M. Hickok
All My Best,
Sister Karen Hollander
St. George, Utah Mission
107S. 1470E. Suite 304
St. George Utah 84790
United States