Well this was an interesting week had exchanges from Monday to tues and this was actually my first proper exchange where we switched companions cause there are now elders in the other stake. Anyway it was really good!!! I learned alot. It was scary but I think I did OK. we went out to Co city which was interesting - always is but Sister Larsen was super excited to be in Co City. They didn't have my papers for my drivers licence (I think they lost it) So I was not able to drive during the exchange but I think I'm glad - I think I am used to being on the other side of the road but every now and then things shock me. LOL and I was able to direct then at least :)
But it was good to get my companion back - it really was so strange to not be around HER for such a long time. Well we had interviews with our Mission Pres on Wednesday and that was really good :) I love him and his wife so much :) I'm really glad that they are here to help us and be there for us :)
Friday The Young Ambassadors came and we were able to go watch them, though it was all about love songs and we felt a bit uncomfortable (not sure if it was the songs or the fact that we were sitting RIGHT in front) But that is where our investigator wanted to sit and she LOVED it wow she was going crazy!! But she is great! I love her to bits! It's great we see her almost every day. She is getting baptized on 14 Dec!!! =D But she is just a "dry Mormon" but there were a few complications with timing. Anyway I'm just glad that she is making this step of baptism :)
It was sooo funny Sister Allen called our one investigator Pam.... Her name is Sue... And so I tease her about it often... She doesn't even know any PAMS!!!!! ok So it might just be funny to me but now whenever we do or say something that doesn't make sense we say PAM!!! Who are you!!! Its fun :)
Transfers have been on my mind so much lately :( They only NEXT week saturday!!! ahhhhh.
It was soooooo cold this last weekend wow I think I need to get boots... lol There was snow on the mountains (First snow in our area) and there was sleet on thursday But its good when we have apointments at least then it's not too cold haha. It's warmed up a bit today :) so I think it was just a cold spell. But won't be surprised if it happens again...

We spoke in one of the Fredonia wards yesterday and I was the final speaker!! Ok I only spoke for 15 minutes at least but the topic was Missionary work... I'm sure our stake is getting sick of that topic right about now. but it would help if they would act and not just listen!!! So I encourage all of you to ACT and not just listen. Pray for a missionary opportunity today! you will be blessed with them. Don;t be scared you know this stuff :) Read Elder Ballards talk: "Put your trust in the Lord" https://www.lds.org/general-conference/2013/10/put-your-trust-in-the-lord?lang=eng
I used quite a few quotes there for my talk. Oh and for those in SA Missionary work is not a "mission".... Think about it.
Though for the week:
"True doctrine, understood, changes attitudes and
"The study of the doctrines of the gospel will
improve behavior quicker than a study of behavior
will improve behavior. … That is why we stress so
forcefully the study of the doctrines of the gospel"
I know that as we study the DOCTRINE of Christ found in the scriptures that we will change as a result :) (Alma 5) I love this gospel I love my mission so far. And I know that this is the true Church on Earth today!
Clouds today:
I might email next tuesday only because we have Zone Conference with a member of the 70 Elder Arnold. But will only find out later this week if we are going monday or tuesday or wednesday... So I hope you all can hold out till then :)
Love you all!
Oh PS I got a hair cut last week... with some "Bangs" lol
PPS we are getting a JEEP on saturday for our area!!!!! YIPPY!!!!!!!!! they are getting 3 new Jeeps and we are getting one of them!!! :D
PPS we are getting a JEEP on saturday for our area!!!!! YIPPY!!!!!!!!! they are getting 3 new Jeeps and we are getting one of them!!! :D
All My Best,
Sister Karen Hollander
St. George, Utah Mission
107S. 1470E. Suite 304
St. George Utah 84790
United States