Here is a great blog from a close friend of mine, Matthew Pienaar, all about the politics of South Africa.
It is a great read! Please read and share it with others.
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Tuesday, 27 June 2017
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
End of mine Epistle in Zion
1 And it came to pass that the mission of Sister Hollander in the West land of the Americas came nigh to an end.
2 And as she looked upon her labours in the time that she had dwelt in this foreign land, she rejoiced for the many people she was able to touch and the many lives that touched her.
3 For Behold the field WAS white and ready to harvest and lo, she thrust in her sickle with her might, and behold her harvest.
4 But behold, as she bid farewell to those in the town of La Verkin she was sorrowed, for it would be a time before she would see them again. Yea, She was sorrowful unto tears.
5 And then She was comforted by her companion, Sister Massengale Which saith unto her, Sister, do not be sorrowful for you will speak to them again. Do ye not remember that it is promised in the land of eternal P-days that ye will be able to contact them frequently in the world of technology.
6 And thus her spirits were lifted and she was able to finish her labours, yea even unto the end.
7 And thus ended the mission of Sister Hollander in the Land of Southern Utah.
8 And it came to pass that I Sister Hollander was joyous in my labours. And I was desirous that I would dwell with them for another season.
9 But the Voice of my Mission president came and told me it was the end, and admonished me that I would go home to the land of my forefathers and strengthen the church there. And thus it is. Amen.
Well as my epistle stated I is the end. Its has been a normal week only this time the end of each apt has been saying good bye to some of my favourite people! We aslo attended 2 baptisms this week.
And Emily (12 Yrs old)
It was fantastic! I love them so much! It was the perfect way to end my mission! I have loved to be here. The mission has truly changed my life and I wouldn't change it for the world. I have also seen others change.
Even though I have been packing m "trunks" for the past 3 weeks I don't think I was too trunky... I have been working hard. I have also decided that I am no very good at saying good bye, but it hit me last night a bit. I still need to get rid of some junk to hit my weight limit. But goodness I struggled to sleep.
I had my exit interview this morning. Can I just say that I love Pres and Sister Center! I am going to miss them so much! It was great to council with my mission president on life ahead.
I have truly loved my mission but I am also excited to get home - I think if I follow everyones advice I can make it home on thursday evening - all depends on making my connection in Atlanta.
Sorry if I did not email you today. I have a dumb PC that makes it hard to type the letter "t" grrrrr I will be on facebook on saturday again... and here are my Home details:
FB: Karen Hollander (Muldersdrift, South Africa)
All My Best,
Sister Karen Hollander
Utah, St George Mission
Monday, 12 January 2015
La Verkin Specail
So I didn't leave enough time to email today... sorry.. think that's what happens when you get near the end of your mission... haha
- Picked up a new investigator and as we were leaving he said "you both have good hand shakes have you ever considered arm wrestling?" HAHAHAHAHA i couldn't get over it for the rest of that day - made my day! And
- Picked up another new investigator within the same hour! Tender mercies!!!
- We Have been able to take a misisonary that has been on medical release for a transfer out to lessons with us and she is fantastic!
- Spoke in 2 wards yesterday they were both really good!
- Had a Zone training last week and I got to pray and bare my testimony in afrikaans (Our one Zone Leader loves hearing to different languages and we are pretty Diverse so I got a call from him saying "do you by chance speak another language?" - Why yes I do! He then asked if I would pray in afrikaans and said it should be the opening prayer so it could catch people off gaurd haha and it did our senior couple said they thought they were loosing their hearing cause they couldn't quite catch the words I was using lol. But The training was fantastic - we have the best Zone!!! I love them! We had fun! we even played Missionary Tag!!!! Best game ever! (first time I have played it... lame.) And since it was my last Zone training I bore my testimony and surprising not too many tears but doesn't really seem like I am coming home soon.
- We have decided we are allergic to walking days. I had another allergic reactiona and a big Migraine on friday after the training. I still don't know what I am allergic to though.
- We are working SUPER Hard on the "Come and See" Open House - it is happening in two weeks. we are really excited! and a bit stressed and so got a blessing from the zone leaders and that was EXACTLY what we both needed - just a bit extra help and strength. I love the priesthood! Oh and we are thinking of getting an article in the news paper about it!
- Tobi - from my first area - my first real baptism that I taught, is getting endowed and sealed on saturday!!! I am sooo excited! and My trainer is going to be there!!!! I miss her! SUPER excited for saturday!
- Had a great lesson with an investigator yesterday - he really wants to be baptised but we got to get his parents active again. I am excited though cause it sounds like they want it too.
- We found Grafton - the ghost town.
Our biggest problem we are having is getting our investigators to church.
This week we will be speaking in 3 wards thats going to be interesting. :D One of which is in Springdale and the other 2 are in La Verkin (30 min apart) fun times.
Something new we are memorizing as a mission:
"No member of this Church must ever forget the terrible price paid by our Redeemer, who gave His life that all men might live - the agony of Gethsemane, the bitter mockery of His trial,the vicious crown of thorns tearing at His flesh, the blood cry of the mob before Pilate, the lonely burden of His heavy walk along the way to Calvary, the terrifying pain as great nails pierced His hands and feet, the fevered torture of His body as He hung that tragic day, the Son of God crying out, "Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do" (Luke23:34).
This was the cross, the instrument of His torture, the terrible device designed to destroy the Man of Peace, the evil recompense for His miraculous work of healing the sick, of causing the blind to see, of raising the dead. This was the cross on which He hung and died on Golgotha's lonely summit. We cannot forget that. We must never forget it, for here our Savior, our Redeemer, the Son of God, gave Himself, a vicarious sacrifice for each of us."
-President Gordon B Hinkley-
All My Best,
Sister Karen Hollander
Utah, St George Mission
881 South River Road
St. George Utah, 84790
United States
Monday, 5 January 2015
Good Morning all!
This week was a bit of good and a bit of not so good....
First - not so good:
We had a bit of a rough time last night, I guess partly we had a bit of the spirit of contention in our lesson cause this man was telling us his point of view on life and God and it happened to sound like Satans plan for life... (you know how life is good God is good and we will all get back to God again doesn't matter what we do on earth) But he also had some other strange ideas that I won't repeat. Anyway we really hope he will not be in the house when we go back. I don't think he wanted to hurt us or offend us, cause he left after we showed VERY little interest or approval what he was saying. But we just did not feel good. Upside to that story we were able to pick up a new investigator in that home. And straight after that we found out that one of our investigators moved out of the town to go back to a very abusive manipulative boyfriend. That made us so angry cause we were just starting to make some headway with her! :(
Now the Good:
Now the Good:
We have some exciting things happening. I don't know if you remember, sister Eyers and I started planning an Open House/Church Tour. It was mainly her idea but we are now going to execute it =D It is proving to be a bit stressful I won't lie - especially when you are still trying to teach people get new investigators etc etc etc. Well the plan is to Open the Stake Center and display what we are all about - we hope not to take away from the Visitors Center but we have assigned each ward an auxiliary or organization to display and inform others about us. we are inviting them to "Come and see". We have a new High Council man over Misisonary work and he is sooo excited for it! So am I but somewhat stressed I won't lie.
Well New years eve was fun we got to watch "How to train your dragon 2" as a Zone - It was SOOOO GOOOD!!!! ahhhhh LOVED IT! We also got to have another Nerf gun War!!! It was soomuch fun! But we were in bed by 10 30.... Had another sleep over with the sisters from Kanab was fun But this year we were back to work on New Years day... which was interesting but we were on exchanges with the STLs. Sister Liu (FRom Tonga/California) came to La Verkin with me. My last exchange I feel it was very insipred how it all happend, Its kinda fun, we came out together and are going home together. She is a RUGBY PLAYER too!!! I bet everyone back home would get a kick out of that! She is great though she is an All blacks supporter. But I really loved being on Exchanges with her but it was also great to gte my companion back.
Ok so here are some of my New Years goals (Remember that I will be coming home in a month so some pertain to that part of my life)
- Study the scriptures DAILY (scared I will go back into my old rutine of not reading)
- Loose all the weight I gained on the mission..
- Master 2 Hymns on the Piano (no I don't really play the piano)
- Read Jesus the Christ cover to cover
- Learn to Juggle 3 balls
- Visit 1 Neighbouring Country
- Read the Harry Potter Series (No I have not read them and I have committed to like 3 compaions that I will read it when I get home)
- 100% Visiting Teaching for the Year
- Always take a No thank you bite. (strated with eating a pickled fig and well it was ok... and had a trout taco yesterday wasn't too bad, was fresh.)
- Introduce at least 1 friend to the missionaries
- Attend the Temple Monthly.
Well All of these are subject to change but some are on my 30 before 30 list too haha
If you want to learn how to set goals check out Chapter 8 of Preach my Gospel. I have learn on my mission that it IS somewhat about the numbers, it IS about Goals. If we don't set goals we won't improve. "Goals reflect the desires of our hearts and our vision of what we can accomplish. Through goals and plans, our hopes are transformed into action. Goal setting and planning are acts of Faith."
Good Luck with setting goals this year!
Hope you have a great week and a great New year!
All My Best,
Sister Karen Hollander
Utah, St George Mission
881 South River Road
St. George Utah, 84790
United States
Monday, 29 December 2014
Almost a White Christmas: Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
First off I hope y'all had a wonderful spectacular Christmas! I know I did!!!
We had a bit of a slow week with christmas hope this week will be a bit better!
It all started Christmas Eve. We decided as a district that we would go out christmas carolling to our investigators and members and people in our area. (We unfortunately needed to exclude Kanab cause they live way too far) So Our District Leader Elder Bolokoski played the Guitar. And we all sang Christmas songs! It was the best! We wer able to see one of our investigator families and our landlords (who had a foot operation a few weeks back and just last week broke 3 ribs trying to go to the restroom :( And is now in a rehab center) They really appreciated us coming by and I think we made her week! it was great! We then had some milk and donuts supplied by the elders :) But as we were leaving the La Verkin suburbs to go back to Hurricane for these refreshments we had a mini race with the elders, they got infront of me cause I was kinda on the wrong side of the road and there was a car infront of me so they were in front of us in their car, and we had to lead the way, so I decided put the indicator on showing right instead of left, just to see what they would do.... They fell for it too! MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Good thing we have some awesome elders and they laughed it off. Even gave me a high five B-) They are so much fun!
Then Christmas Day started off great! (We actually had a number of gifts under the tree thanks to one of our less actives and Sister Massengales mom - shes great! But now we have WAY too much candy) then we had breakfast with one of our Bishops and Skypes home at the same place It was sooo great to see my Family!!! Too bad baby Fanner was not born yet but I He IS just the cutest thing! Don't you think??? I am an Aunty again!
Then we watched 17 Miracles cause its been a while since we have seen it and it was one of our approved movies to watch on Christmas. I cried like a baby. again. But it was sooooo good! And since it was all about the pioneers in the snow I was like "How cool would it be if it was snowing right now...." (Cause there was snow in the night and we woke up to white mountains) and well we walked outside and it was Sleeting!!!! YAY!!! that was good enough for me. So yes it has been pretty cold! But its all good. The worst was probably our walking day on friday when the "Huricane" winds - being the place not the storm - But i guess luckily I decided to have an allergic reaction to something.. and my lower lip swelled up like crazy and we didn't got out till it had come down. took 2x Benadryl to get it to start coming down. But we were still out that night walking in the cold.
Well Christmas afternoon we had Dinner with our Senior Couple again. Then we had a Zone Activity by going to an alcove mountain thing and had a bon fire And some bonding time it was fantastic!
Ok my companion is the funniest. So at the bon fire somehow we have been dishing out names to all the missionaries in our Zone Like Sister Liu is President Liu (Long story) well our one ZL (Elder Grover) and our DL (Elder Bolokaski) - they are like 2 peas in a pod - got the names Oracles but at first was Oracle and Oracles side kick, but Elder Bolo did not like that then it changed a few times then at district meeting (Friday) the next day we wanted it to be oracle 1 and 2 but they did not want superiority over the other so we also tried Oracle A and B... that didn't work. So I decided Oracle G and Oracle B.... My Companion is sitting next to me typing about this in her mass email and says "Oh I finally get it! Why it's Oracle G and B" LOL ROFL (Roll on Floor Laughing) Man Welcome to my life. I wish you could hear half the things that happen in our week... Its the best!
At the Bon Fire My companion also got the name Chief of police... It fits!!! haha and I read in the NT this week that "whosoever will be chief amoung you let him be your servant" and well I got named this morning a detective... PI Hollander. I was hoping to go under the radar guess not.... haha
Anyway hope y'all are making some new years resolutions :) Here is a video for the new year. Remember "Look not behind thee".
All My Best,
Sister Karen Hollander
Utah, St George Mission
881 South River Road
St. George Utah, 84790
United States
Monday, 22 December 2014
It's Still a White Christmas in Zion
Wow Sister Massengale and I have just seen sooo many miracles her in Zion!!!
Ok First off Crazy old Vi got BAPTIZED this week. Wow that lady ceases to amaze me! I KNOW we had exercied ALOT of faith this week for this to happen. At our last Zone traingin meeting we were committed specifically to pray twice daily so we can read our daily and monthly goals (for the area, district and zone). But we decided to pray for daily, weekly and monthly goals. Anyway we have been saying alot of LONG prayers lately and we have seen so many miracles because of it! One of which being Vi. She is so funny when we got to our lesson this week, we got there and she told us that we didn't teach her everything the last time we came (we taught tithing last) and well we really do struggle to teach her cause she doesn't really want to be taught. But we always give the pamphlet as a committment and she reads them several times. And when she read about fast offering she decided that we tried to cheat her out of another $20 lol. Man it was just fun. Luckily we know now when she is kidding... I think. But yeah we got as into her as possible and prayed that everything would go well with her baptism, and ot did. But we first had to get through the interview. We were kinda stressing about this one. We wish we could be a fly on the wall with that one. well an hour or so later the district leader came out and SHE PASSED!!!! man I love Vi. I know one of the reasons I was in this area at this time was to help her get to the waters of baptism. She was beaming too it was just a perfect day. I love her so much!
And we have now hit our goal of 4 Baptisms for the month.
We are now working on our new investigator goals, we have been receiving golden refferals from the Princes we picked up 2 news investigators with their help and another from the ward. we have about 9 other referrals to contact and our tuesday is PACKED with lessons we are really excited! We are really working very hard here. I want to speak about 2 of our new investigators. The first is Emily, she is 11 years old, her parents are pretty active now and she is a bit mentally handicaped and so when she was 8 the bishop said she was not read for baptism so they have been waiting for this time where now her mental capacity is that of an 8 year old. so we are teaching her and she is doing sooo well!!! we love her to bits! Unfortunately she will be getting baptized after I go home but I still feel priveledged to teach her. The other new investigator is Brentson, he is 20 years old, he may not be termed a "golden" investigator, but it was very interesting after we showed him the He is the gift video he said "wow I have never thought of Christmas like that before" It was such a power lesson - so we then watched because of Him too. if you have not watched it yet PLEASE watch it. If you have not shared it yet please #ShareTheGift, you will never know - there may be someone there that does not know why we have christmas. we take it for granted all the time.
Here are some other great Christmas Vidoes:
Some other highlights of the week:
I finished the Book of Mormon yesterday!
We had a Missionary Musical Christmas Fireside yesterday and wow it was powerful! We Sang like angels and Our mission president played the guitar. Sorry no pictures.
started the New Testament today and I absolutely LOVE IT!!!!
Sorry my emails have been so short lately. I love you all. Thanks for your kindness and support.
MERRY CHRISTMAS And a Happy New Year!
All My Best,
Sister Karen Hollander
Utah, St George Mission
881 South River Road
St. George Utah, 84790
United States
Monday, 15 December 2014
Last Transfer in ZION
You Guessed it! We got our transfer calls on Saturday and We are staying together in Zion and I will be ending my mission here. So if there are some of you who are confused as to why I am going home this transfer and my companion is not (since we were in the MTC together) Turns out I am needed back in SA with my family.
But I am really excited to have another transfer in Zion and that we are staying together and that we are seeing miracles everyday! I love this area and I love my mission! I think I am especially excited that I can have the Holidays here :)
No Big Chirstmas Presents this week at Zone conference. There was actually no real special reason for it but that there were more things they wanted to train us on so we can be better missionaries! But they did give us a Christmas present. they gave us a Brand new New Testament and our commitment is to study the 4 Gospels and mark every instance you read the words that Christ spoke. (much like the red letter bibles that everyone speaks about that they had as kids where it does the same thing - another suggestion was that we look at all the questions he said as well. I am excited to get started but I decided that I first want to get my Book of mormon read before Christmas and lookis like I may get it finished this week which is exciting. At the conference we also got to hear from some of the patriarchs of the nearby stakes and have a question and answer session - I wish I could come up with better questions that what i did. But thats ok. But I learned alot and am excited to implement alot of what I learned such as making more frequent contact with my ward mission leaders.
Just quickly we had some fun walking in the rain this week. Its winter... sort of, the weather has been really mild, but there is a bit of snow on the mountain tops.
Yesterday we saw some great miracles we first just went to Our High council man for missionary work's house to update him on a few things, and then a Non member walked in that they were working with for us to teach. Well I wish I can say we had a lesson with her right then and picked her up as a new nvestigator and put her on date, but no we didd not, but we were able to speak to her a bit and get to know her a bit - but it was a miracle that we got to meet her :)
Then we contacted a referral from our senoir couple, unfortunately we were not able to pick up a new investigator from that yet either but we were able to teach a lesson, just need to set up an apointment. The mom was sick so we kinda had to get out in a hurry... And then we went to contact this other home where we actual got a media referral from them (part member home) and contacted them but though that they were just a less active home and gave it over to the Princes well turns out there are 2 kids in there that we have not strated teaching!!! they are such a Golden family - they have just moved here from Vegas and have decided to start going back to church. We gave the kids book of mormons and explained a bit of it and the one kid turns around and says "I now know what the Book of Mormon is, Its a book about Christ!" I just loved it! Cause it is!
Well Hope y'all have a great week! I know we will!
All My Best,
Sister Karen Hollander
Utah, St George Mission
881 South River Road
St. George Utah, 84790
United States
Monday, 8 December 2014
White Christmas
Well I think I had my white christmas early this year... No, no snow. Even better - we had 3 baptisms this weekend! It was a fantastic week! I really loved it!
We had to go through the baptism interview process twice (cause the two boys are bothers so we could get them done at the same time :) They have been investigating for about 6 months and their parents are becoming active again and it was way fun to teach them The kids first had a hard time accepting tithing but their parents were able to teach them and help them in that. Well it hsa been tough to set up appointments with them because they are soo busy they play like 5 sports most of them at the same time lol so scheduling with them is intense, but we finally got them into the waters of baptism and everyone was there that they wanted (except sister eyers that got transferred) But it was especially special because their dad was able to baptize them!!! It was wonderful! So this baptism went pretty smoothly but leading up to the baptism was rough... But I won't lie I think I might become a utah mom when it comes to the cool hings they do for the kids getting baptized.
So the 2 brothers happend on Friday night, then saturday morning was stake baptisms (so here in Utah only the stake center has a font and because there are so many kids and they all turn 8 round about the same time they have stake baptisms each ward would take a turn and have individual services according to ward, and they would baptize the kids one after the other pretty much. Well there was a wonderful family the sisters were working with to reactivate that happend to be cousins to a family we were teaching in huntington and it was a very special tender mercy for me that I was able to be at this girls baptism - she really reminds me of elaine in Huntington :) they are definately cut from the same cloth. I was also able to speak at that baptism. But what was even better was they told me that elain is one date for baptism in januray! Happy day!
So But it was fun so our other investigators names is John and he has been investigating for about a year now and he was going to get baptized 6 Months ago and couldn't because something came up that he needed to be dealt with first, well we got everything cleared and now it was becoming real, for the past month it felt like he wasn't really excited for his baptism but watching him stress over getting the program together this week was great cause we could see his excitement :) Then we had the baptism interview and got to see his sincerity and love for this gospel! His baptism was definately a highlight on my mission! It was truely a special service. THIS is why we are out on a mission to see a change in people I know that John felt the spirit really strong! I know that everything happens for a reason. I love being a missionary.
So Sister Massengale can be pretty funny when she is tired. I don't have time to write them all but yesterday she said "We can't watch this so I'll mute it." Think about it... HAHA
So WE have ANOTHER Zone Conference happening this week which is unheard of. Firstly it is a SHORT transfer (we only have 5 weeks in this transfer) and we usually only have Zone Conference every second transfer. this is going to be the usual 6 hour conference so we think something big might be happening but so we are not disappointed we are excepting "Oatmeal and the district" hahahahahahahaha Quote Courtesy Sister Prince :D
So remember about the crazy old lady? well she is on date for baptism next saturday... Yeah I know crazy right??? We are preying that her health improves so she can...
Anyway running out of time again.... But we are getting transfer calls this week and well we don't know what is going to happen we hope to stay together but they are also white washing kiabab - cause sister davis is going home and her companion got her visa to Scotland - and we both kinda want to serve there again and we are the only ones left in the mission who have served there.... and this will be my last transfer... last 7 Weeks AHHHHH
Have a great week!
All My Best,
Sister Karen Hollander
Utah, St George Mission
881 South River Road
St. George Utah, 84790
United States
Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Where does the time go???
So I don't know how my companion and I do this every week but we don't have time again today.
We went to the Temple again. Sister Massengale has not been since Feb so it was good for her to go. We went with Sister Prince (our Snr Couple in our stake) But just sister prince not elder prince, was fun to be just us girls. And to bond with sister prince we also headed to deseret book which is like the BEST store ever!!! Its funny everyone asks us what we would like in our christmas packages so they can send out to their missionaries but we don't even know what we want. I don't know if I really need anything.
So this week has been crazy! We had thanksgiving dinner (in the afternoon... still doesn't make sense) but we spent it with one of our ward mission leaders and the Princes. But before all that we had our district meeting and after that we had a nerf gun war with the elders it was SOOOOO much fun!!!! but wow was I in PAIN the next day from going up and down all day
But then we got to watch The hobbit #2 in the evening but we started a bit late so didn't get to watch everything.
We had a baptism on saturday 2 kids got baptised. Just wish we could have a baptism with any flaws... thats all I'm saying...
Oh and Watch the video in #ShareTheGift!
Just do it!
Thanks for all your support! Have a great week!
All My Best,
Sister Karen Hollander
Utah, St George Mission
881 South River Road
St. George Utah, 84790
United States
Monday, 17 November 2014
Miracles in Zion
So got a few funny stories.
But first my new companion : Sister Massengale. From Fort Worth Texas. Such a great missionary and we are getting along surprisingly well. We were both excited but a bit worried that we wouldn't get along but oh were we wrong. I odn't know if it is because we both have been out the same amount of time or that we have had very similar missions (like we traded first areas) and had some of the same companions. It has been great reflecting on our missions and just seeing all the miracles that we have both seen. and how we have been able to make new miracles together! It has been a great week!!!
Miracle #1
We had a hard day of working on Wednesday, we had number of lessons planned and seen some success with few of them, but we had some down time at 7 and we were just going to contact some people on our back up plans when we got a call from our senior couple saying could we come to their house right now so we can teach a new investigator. YES!!! of course. Turns out they found someone they will be doing the stop smoking program with and we will teach her son who has wanted to be baptized since he was 2 (he is now 10) we are really excited to teach him! He has a good knowledge of the gospel already.
Funny story #1
We were knocking doors on friday night in an area where we had received a referral before but we couldn't find the house but thought we should go there again so we tracted into this guy (not the referral) but another man. But he first turns the light on, sees we were girls, turns the light off and goes into a back room... being confused sister massengales peers through the stained glass window and sees him putting pants on... #Awkward But he was a nice man - funny black guy from Kansas City He said we could come back another time so we will.. hopefully he will have his p[ants on already.
Funny Story & Miracle #2
We continued tracting the area and knocked on another door, and just because of the experience that we just had we were joking that it would happen again. so I peered into the stained glass and was like "well at least he's got pants on." Then he opens the door and he wasn't wearing a shirt... #LifeOfaMissionary Haha but it turned out to be the referral and he was actually interested in learning more!!! It was great! Don't judge a book by it's cover he invited us to come back the next day. this time he left to put a shirt on and explained why he was not wearing a shirt. he has neropathy or something like that just last march he got his big toe chopped off cause he stood into a nail and did not feel it. But he is super solid but is headed to salt lake for 2 weeks.
Funny story #3
So we have 7 people on date for baptism and we got 2 new investigators so it is pretty easy from there to make standards so Sister Massengale and I worked really hard to get our 22 lessons, but we had 4 lessons scheduled on sunday and needed 9 for the day and well we didn't make it but it was funny when we looked in the communicator this morning we had hit standards hahaha!! The Zone Leaders messed up but it's all good!
Well we have a baptism coming up this week and we are sooo excited! He is super great! He lives up in springdale and we had a lesson with him in the Bishops home (who happens to be my sisters Mission Presidents Son) it was great! We are really excited his name is Carlos and he is 17 years old and he is doing really good!
We are having a baptism every week for 3 weeks. One this week, 2 next week and 3 the following. We are going to be down to 1 on date but we are excited to find new investigators.
Hope y'all have a great week! We are off to play Pickleball now :P (Look it up)
Sorry no spiritual thought today.
All My Best,
Sister Karen Hollander
Utah, St George Mission
881 South River Road
St. George Utah, 84790
United States
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